This is the best herb blend with chicken because it delivers a restaurant quality meal and saves you money in the kitchen!

What makes this herb blend so good?
I love spices and herbs! I didn’t really enjoy cooking until I realized how many different seasoning there were and that I got to play with them all! This blend has a bit of everything, except heat! I like heat in most meals, but in this case I don’t want the chicken itself to be spicy. I usually serve this with some roasted veggies tossed in a SPICE BLEND that has plenty of heat. One reason I want the chicken to not be spicy is, I pick all the meat off the bones and use it for EVERYTHING! From CHICKEN SALAD to soups, this shredded chicken needs to be versatile. That is why this blend is perfect! Any seasoning that is left on the skin or bones adds the perfect seasoning to my bone broth, or to any soup it ends up in.
Is there one herb that is the BEST with chicken?
Thyme! To me this herb is quintessentially chicken and all things homey! But also marjoram! This is an herb that I’ve noticed most people don’t use very often. It is one that is bought for one recipe and left on a shelf to die. I’m not sure why exactly because it is a game changer for chicken and turkey! Don’t be afraid to add herbs and spices to all your proteins and veggies! Live a little!

Does cooking at home actually save me money?
100% yes it does! The only caveat is that you must eat what is in your house to save money! That means packing snacks and not grabbing food on the way home. To do this effectively I have meat thawing in my fridge at all times and simple meals that take no time at all to whip up. Hello CHICKEN PESTO PASTA! In this recipe you are saving yourself money by not buying those spice packets, which contain all sorts of preservatives and odd ingredients, nor the spice blends, which can be more expensive than the basic ingredients. By making your own blends you can save money in the long run and have a significantly higher yield! Also, cooking larger cuts of meat typically means you are paying a smaller processing fee! Whole chickens by the pound are cheaper than just the boneless breasts or boneless thighs. Plus, I want the bones for broth!

How do I cook chicken without the breasts being dry?
DO NOT OVERCOOK IT! Chicken, to be safe, needs to be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Buy a meat thermometer so you can gauge the temperature correctly. Some chicken breasts are thicker than others so plan accordingly! If you have a massive whole chicken, plan for it to take longer than an hour but monitor it! Cooking the breast with the skin on is honestly the best way to ensure a moist cut of meat. That is just another reason why I love cooking the whole bird! It’s cheaper, gives white and dark meat, yields moist tender meat, and you get to use the bones in broth!
How to use this herb blend with chicken breasts or thighs
There are a few options here but all of them start with enough melted coconut oil to cover the desired meat. Then you take a generous amount of herb blend and cover the chicken. If you are working with boneless skinless breasts or thighs and looking to cut down on cook time, searing them would work. This is not my preferred method because searing herbs can give them a bitter flavor. You can roast boneless skinless breasts and thighs for 30-40 minutes at 400F. I prefer a skin on, bone in thigh, roasted at 425F for 30-40 minutes, depending on thigh size. The higher temp will give the skin a crispness that is delicious and the meat should be super tender!

How to cook a whole chicken
My favorite way to eat chicken is by baking a whole chicken! The meat is so versatile! It can be frozen, once cooked, and thawed for every dish in which you might use shredded chicken.
- Preheat oven to 425F. Make sure your oven racks have enough space between them for your chicken!
- Check the body cavity for any organs. Often whole chickens will come with a neck or organs inside the bird. DON’T THROW THEM AWAY! Put them in your freezer with your bag of scraps for broth! They have great nutritional benefits and added minerals.
- Rinse the chicken with cool water and pat dry it with a paper towel.
- Place the chicken into your baking dish, breast side up and wings tucked under. I typically use a 9×13 glass Pyrex dish. But you can use whatever you have that will fit your chicken!
- Cover your bird in melted coconut oil, approximately 2-3 tbsp. The coconut oil will harden when it comes into contact with your cool bird so work quickly to add your seasonings.It is okay if the coconut oil starts to solidify! The seasoning might just need to be pressed on rather than sprinkled.
- Then sprinkle on the herb blend! Make sure you get some in the body cavity and on the curved portion toward the bottom of the pan. You can season the back but there is not a ton of meat there and the seasoning will drip down as the chicken bakes.
- Bake at 425F for approximately an hour, till the internal temperature reads 165F. Take this temperature toward the breast bone and deep into the breast. Do not shove through to the chest cavity or you will get an inaccurate reading.
- Remove the chicken from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes to ensure the juiciest meat. Carve and enjoy!

Best Herb Blend with Chicken
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp dried basil
- 1 tsp dried rosemary
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tsp dried marjoram
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp paprika

Can I make a bulk batch the herb blend? How do I store it?
Yes! This is actually what I do most often! I store it in a pint size mason jar! All the convenience of store bought herb blends but without the added ingredients and half the price! I also make my TACO SEASONING in bulk!
Bulk Recipe
Yields almost 1 cup of the best herb blend for chicken!
- 2 tbsp dried oregano
- 2 tbsp dried basil
- 2 tbsp dried rosemary
- 2 tbsp dried thyme
- 2 tbsp dried marjoram
- 2 tbsp salt
- 2 tbsp black pepper
- 2 tbsp onion powder
- 2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp paprika

Best Herb Blend with Whole Chicken
This delicious herb blend is perfect with any chicken dish, but my favorite is a whole chicken!
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp dried basil
- 1 tsp dried rosemary
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tsp dried marjoram
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1 whole chicken
- 2-3 tbsp coconut oil, melted
- Preheat oven to 425F.
- Combine all herbs and spices into a small bowl. Set aside.
- Wash whole chicken with cool water and pat dry.
- Place chicken in 9x13 glass dish, breast side up and tucking wings underneath, and pour melted coconut oil all over it.
- Apply the herb blend to all exposed portions of the chicken. Including wings, all sides of the legs, and inside the chest cavity.
- Place the chicken in the oven and bake for approximately and hour or until internal temperature is 165. Take temperature near the breast bone.
- Remove from oven and let the chicken rest for 10 minutes.
- Carve and serve!
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